My Blog has been Resurrected at my Homepage and Restored to It’s Original WLAL

Yes, I have come back from oblivion to blog out to the public world again with personal reflections, poems, and updates on my continuing work with electronic/digital art, poetry, and music–just not at this WordPress hosted site.

The new blog location is at, and I’ve decided to return to the original name of what light already light. It reflects more of where I am at now, which is more like where I was over a decade ago now. Good times!

With a pen plotter on the way for drawing generative art prints, and with my new forays into coding generative poetry apps with RiTa underway, I hope to have a lot more activity and creative works to share with you all.

I hope to see you (public world) there!

What is poembassy bombing?

It is blowing up my dreams to make room for better ones. It is killing my idols, killing the Buddha on the road when I see him. It is seeking out the institutions in me, the bureaucracies, the barricades, and blowing them up.

It is finding a way to write that is not imitative, formulaic, or determined by allegiance and fealty. It is finding out what poetry is outside of the poetic.

I am lacking in imagination. The war against the unimaginative, can it be won with imaginary weapons?

The only war that matters is the war against my own ignorance. The odds do not look good.

Listen to my Electronic Music on SoundCloud

For almost a year now I’ve been learning to use Ableton Live 8 to create electronic music. Last month, I finally polished off my first two compositions. which you can now listen too on my SoundCloud stream. They feature a few short samples from bpNichol’s “Ballads of the Restless Are” and Christian Bök’s “Aria of the Three-Horned Enemy” (one of my favorite sound poems), both available in their original forms at PennSound.

My intentions are to start collaborating soon with Tyler Carter on some original sound poetry compositions, or at least some sort of collaborative poetry/text art that is written and produced for a musical composition, i.e., it is not written for any page, but to be performed.

Check out my compositions “Bubble Honey” and “Grind Slider, for bpNichol.” Leave some comments if you like, or if you don’t. It’s amateur hour, after all, so any feedback is good.

GIMP Art (Untitled) + a note on process

For the past week, I’ve been working in GIMP to create digital works of visual art using the repeated application of a few basic filters, color settings, etc. I usually begin with a simple pattern or some random image off of the net. Then I apply sharpness and blur filters with settings cranked until the image begins to break into colored blocks and dots. Cartoon, Edge-Detect, and Oilify filters are used as well. For this image, I also experimented with the iWarp distortion filter.

In a similar way to my writing process with the Gnoetry 0.2 program, my approach to making art with GIMP is very open and each piece is difficult to replicate. It can begin with just about anything and end up anywhere. As long as the resulting work is exciting and pleasurable, I feel like I’ve got something of value.

Here are some images from several points in this process, along with the final image, starting with the image I grabbed from the net, which can be viewed here (#7 cutest image of 2011 @ cute overload).

Making of Americans Wordles

The most used word in Gertrude Stein’s The Making of Americans, as determined by Wordle (discounting common connecting words).

These wordles were created with the complete text of Gertrude Stein’s The Making of Americans. Don’t ask why. The program by default does not display common connecting words like ofand, etc. I have created one which display EVERY word graphically as well (see notes).

Notes: The first three wordles below display the 150 most common words in the text infographically. The fourth one below displays the 20 most used words. The fifth displays the top 925 words (one for each page in the Dalkey Archive edition) when common connecting words, prepositions and pronouns are not considered. The final one display the actual top 925 words from the book.


Wordle: Stein Making of Americans 3

Wordle: Stein Making of Americans 4

Wordle: Stein Making of Americans 5

Wordle: Stein Making of Americans 6

Wordle: Stein Making of Americans 7

Wordle: Stein Making of Americans 8


Here the list of the 20 most frequently used words in the novel. Just for reference.

Word Frequency
in 20272
of 18310
one 17987
and 15763
to 14278
was 13671
the 12372
them 12137
a 12009
being 9563
that 9266
living 8677
then 8109
is 7479
not 7308
her 7146
be 6414
it 6174
some 6019
I 5188